1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental disorder at least once in their life.
Highly-engaged employees should struggle less with mental health.
Teamworking, workplace culture and prevention are critical.
One in four people worldwide will suffer from a mental disorder at least once in their life. In the European Union alone, estimates suggest that some 50 million people are affected. In addition to significant suffering of those directly affected and their families, mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety cost the economy roughly $US1 trillion worldwide each year due to productivity losses. But despite the pervasiveness of mental disorders and the tremendous cost to individuals, society and the economy, mental issues are often still stigmatized and considered a taboo topic. For companies, it is important to proactively support the mental health of its employees – not just for economic reasons, but also to ensure inclusion and prevention in the workplace, particularly since some triggers for mental disorders can often be found at work.
Source : Companies must make mental health workplace priority | World Economic Forum